Terms of trade

The parties

The trader

Kustavin Matkailu Oy

Kuninkaantie 193

23360 Kustavi





The customer agrees to comply with these terms and conditions and the terms and conditions of the merchant when purchasing products and services on Kustavin Matkailu Oy's Internet services.


General terms and conditions

  • The prices shown on the online service are subject to VAT.

  • We apply dynamic pricing for accommodation. Prices are time-dependent and vary from month to month, week to week and day to day.

  • We sell to adult individuals and corporate clients.

  • We reserve the right to change prices.

  • The customer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.

  • We reserve the right to change our terms of delivery. We reserve the right to change our terms and conditions of delivery at any time.

Booking conditions

These terms and conditions apply to products and services for hire and reservation. These are collectively referred to as the "item".


  • The customer is responsible for familiarising himself with the description and instructions of the booking item(s) and the terms and conditions relating to the booking.

  • The booking made by the Customer is binding when the order/payment confirmation is sent to the email address provided by the Customer.

  • The customer pays for the reservation according to the payment method of his choice and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the payment method.

  • The booking system sends the order/payment confirmation to the e-mail address indicated by the customer.

  • The Merchant is not responsible for the failed booking and the Customer should contact the Merchant without delay to rectify the situation.

  • The Merchant does not guarantee that the item is still available in this situation.

  • If the item is not available, the money will be refunded or, if possible, another item will be offered in its place.

  • The maximum number of caravan pitch reservations per customer at any one time is 5 days. If more than this number of days have been booked, the extra days will be refunded to the customer.

Cancellations and changes

  • The cancellation date is the date on which the Merchant is informed of the cancellation.

  • The Customer is responsible for ensuring that the cancellation is sent in good time.

  • If the customer cancels the reservation,

    • cancels the reservation 30 days or more before the start of the reservation, the delivery costs will be charged. The delivery charge is €25.

    • If the reservation is less than 30 days but at least 7 days before the start of the stay, 50% of the rental price will be charged.

    • If the reservation is made less than 7 days before the start of the rental period, the full rental price will be charged.

  • At the request of the customer, the reservation may be transferred under the following conditions:

    • The transfer can only be made once.

    • It is not possible to change the destination during the transfer.

    • The transfer must be made at least 30 days before the start of the original booking.

    • If the transferred reservation is cancelled, the full rental price will always be charged, regardless of the date of cancellation.

Right of the trader to cancel the reservation

  • In case of force majeure, the Merchant may terminate the rental contract. The customer who has rented the property will be informed of the cancellation without delay.

  • The customer is then entitled to a full refund of the rent paid.

  • Any costs incurred by the customer as a result of the termination of the lease due to force majeure will not be reimbursed.


  • On confirmation of payment, the customer will receive instructions on how to collect the key.

  • In the case of a lost or unreturned key, the owner is entitled to charge the full cost of any re-keying or replacement of the lock, subject to a minimum of EUR 50.

  • The retailer is entitled to charge a minimum of 50 euros if he has to open the property because of a lost or left-in key.

Use of the site

  • The site is defined in the site description

  • During the rental period, the customer has the right to use the property and its equipment and services.

  • If the customer notices any deficiencies or other remarks, he/she must immediately inform the person responsible for reservation management.

  • The customer is responsible for the cleanliness of the property and the removal of waste during and after the rental period, in accordance with the service package purchased.

  • If the customer has left the property particularly unclean, the Merchant will charge the full cost of the cleaning of the property. Cleaning work 50 EUR/hour, travel expenses 0,60 EUR/km, travel time is included in the working time.

  • The site will be at the customer's disposal during the period specified in the site description.

  • Pets

    • The hirer is fully responsible and liable for any damage caused by his/her pets.

    • Pets must be kept tied up.

    • Pets must not be left alone in the accommodation without supervision.

    • Pet owners must pay particular attention to the cleanliness of the accommodation. The accommodation shall always be checked after the pet and, if necessary, cleaned up by the Merchant.

    • Pets allowed in the accommodation will always be indicated separately.

    • The pet owner must also follow any specific instructions that may be issued.

  • Special conditions for rental equipment

    • The customer must refer to the safety and operating instructions for the equipment. The equipment must be used carefully and only for its intended normal use. The lessee undertakes to carry out a safety check during the rental period. The rented equipment may not be taken out of the country and may not be sublet. The hired vehicle may only be used to the extent permitted by the conditions and only at locations suitable for the user's level of skill and competence. The customer uses all equipment at his own risk at all times.

    • For water sports equipment (e.g. canoes, kayaks, SUP boards and rowing boats), the customer declares that he/she is a competent swimmer and has previous experience of using the equipment.

    • The customer must return the equipment immediately at the end of the rental period to the agreed location, cleaned and otherwise in the same condition as when it was rented. The lessee must inform the lessor without delay if the return is delayed. The lessor is entitled to charge an increased rent of 50% for the excess period, unless otherwise agreed.

    • The customer is liable for any damage and costs caused to the rental equipment during the rental period due to negligent or incorrect handling and inadequate maintenance. The customer shall be liable to pay the replacement value of any equipment destroyed or lost during the rental period. The customer is responsible for compliance with transport, safety and other regulations. The customer is obliged to notify the lessor immediately of any defects in the equipment.

    • The lessor shall be responsible for any repairs resulting from normal wear and tear of the equipment. The lessor shall not be liable for any direct or indirect costs or damage caused to the lessee by the use or breakdown of the equipment. The lessor does not undertake to supply new equipment to replace the damaged hire item, nor to reimburse any direct or indirect costs arising from the interruption of work.

Compensation for damage

  • The Customer shall be liable to compensate the Merchant for any damage caused by the Customer to the Object. The Customer is also liable for any other persons visiting the site and for any damage caused by them during the reservation.

  • The Merchant shall not be liable for any damage or expenses caused to the Customer by natural conditions such as insects, animals, sleet or unexpected weather changes.


  • Any complaints should always be made as soon as possible after the matter arises.

  • If the matter is not resolved satisfactorily or if it involves a claim for compensation, the complaint must be submitted in writing within one month of the end of the rental period.

  • The trader will endeavour to deal with the complaint as quickly as possible, but not later than one month.

  • If the customer and the trader fail to reach an agreement, the customer may refer the dispute to the Consumer Complaints Board.

Delivery conditions

Conclusion of the contract

  • The binding contract for the transaction enters into force when the order is confirmed (order confirmation/payment confirmation).

  • The order confirmation/confirmation of payment is sent to the customer by e-mail.

Payment terms

  • The trader will use reliable and secure payment methods for his services.

  • The Merchant does not store bank account or credit card details at any time.

  • The Customer agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the payment method chosen by the Customer.

  • Payment by invoice

    • The invoice must be paid by the due date indicated on the invoice.

    • Invoices paid after the due date are always subject to late payment charges. If the invoice is paid after the due date on the original invoice and late payment charges have already been incurred, the charges will be invoiced separately.

  • If the payment transaction has not been successfully completed at the time of the order, the Merchant will not process the order.